自2008年起全球央行實行「量化寬鬆」貨幣政策,令銀紙貶值。 2020年全球金融市場大幅動盪後,各國央行推出加強版的「量化寬鬆」貨幣政策,規模是2008年的倍數上升。
香港政府在2023年再次放寬首置人士的按揭成數,令1,500萬以下的物業按揭金額最高可承造7成。 物業升值,令不少業主都透過加按物業作出其他財務投資。
1. 自住居所貸款利息扣除 (Home Loan Interest)
申索扣除居所貸款利息(Home Loan Interest) 必須符合下述所有條件:
(a) 政府;
(b) 財務機構;
(c) 註冊的儲蓄互助社;
(d) 領有牌照的放債人;
(e) 香港房屋協會;
(f) 你的僱主;或
(g) 經稅務局局長批准為認可的組織或協會。
以下是一些有關居所貸款利息扣除 (Home Loan Interest)最常見的問題:
A. 住宅是加按或轉按,貸款用於其他用途
B. 物業是透過「樓花」形式購買
2. 個人名下的出租物業
3. 公司名下的出租物業
"在確定任何人在任何課稅年度根據本部應課稅的利潤時,該人在該課稅年度的評稅基期內,為產生根據本部應課稅的其在任何期間的利潤而招致的一切支出及開支,均須予扣除 ..."
The major tax types in Hong Kong include:
● Profits tax - assessable profits derived from Hong Kong (standard tax rate - lowest at 8.25% or 16.5%)
● Salaries tax - assessable income generated in Hong Kong (progessive or standard tax rate)
● Property tax - rental income derived in Hong Kong immovable properties
● Stamp duty - transfer of immovable properties, tenancy agreements or shares transfer
Ther are no GST, consumption tax, dividend tax, and capital gain tax in Hong Kong, offshore sourced income are not taxable in Hong Kong
As such, Hong Kong attractive low tax rates system attract many overseas entities to set up companies in Hong Kong for tax planning purposes in order to reduce the Group's overall tax burden. For instance:
● Make use of different taxing entities (individuals or entities) to reduce the tax burden
● Adoption of E-commerce taxing benefits (Offshore profits are not subject to Hong Kong profits tax)
● Obtain preferential tax tratement under tax treaties entered between Hong Kong and other tax jurisidiction
● Application of advance rulings to reduce tax risks for new business transactions
Tax planning are applicable to SME, not only to MNC, SME can also reduce their tax burden via tax avoidance methodologies in order to increase their working capital so that the Company can reinvest their business with saved taxes.
Please keep in mind that tax planning is achieved through tax avoidance, not tax evasion. Tax evasion would lead to criminal offense and trigger tax field audit / tax investigation. Professional tax advisor can help you to structure tax planning via legitimate methods.
For further information, please contact 展群CK ®:
a. Phone at (852) 3502 7392
b. Whatsapp at (852) 5227 9242
c. Email at info@ck-tax.com